Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Magazine Demographics

When searching in Google "Most popular gossip magazines UK" the search result was:
Heat World

I then used the website YouGov, which shows profiles of media products, such as magazines, films, bands, and the demographic of the average person who likes it. I searched the demographics for each gossip magazine that I found was most popular in the UK, so my results would be my most common target audience. Below are the screen shots...

NOW magazine demographics 

OK magazine demographics

HEAT magazine demographics

Result analysis:

I am overall very happy with the information I have found, the demographics were similar for each magazine, which will create a strong target audience for me to follow. Also, the sample size for each demographic is extremely high, over 1000 for each, and the size is shown on the screenshots. This will mean my findings are much more reliable.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Production Plan (list)

I am creating a Horror genre teaser trailer with the ancillary products of a magazine front cover and website homepage.

The lists are not in chronological order and I will probably need to add more bullet points to these lists.

Teaser Trailer:

  • Shots of outside locations
  • Focus group
  • Create a film title
  • Record shots of close ups inside of character
  • Download uncopyrighted sound (post already created)
Magazine Front Cover: 
  • Create magazine name and slogan
  • Shots of my model (Cal)
  • Picture of Zombie main character for article. The actress must be looking at the camera, to be more personal, as it fits with the interview article as it's very personal.
  • Actually put together the magazine - editing on photoshop or
  • Get magazine ratio size
Website Homepage:
  • Create a logo
  • Create and finish the website on
  • Take picture for the background (at same time I film outside shots for my teaser trailer)

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Magazine Front Cover Research - Survey Monkey - Primary Research

The link for my survey is -
I shall link it on my social networking sites

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Production Plan

I am creating a Horror genre teaser trailer with the ancillary products of a gossip magazine and a website homepage. The target audience for my film will be females and males from 15 - early 20's. As my film is a Horror, it will include graphic content and so my film will be certified with a 15 age rating, I have analysed the BBFC ratings in more detail in another post.
Below are all the steps I will take to create my final products.

  • A focus group with males between 15 - 20, about my teaser trailer and website homepage. For my teaser trailer, I will go over my plot of the film and in the scenes I want to include in my teaser trailer, asking if my TA would want these included too etc. For my website homepage I will ask my TA what information they'd like to see on the homepage - is a downloadable game from the film too childish? What information would they like, on cast, background or production? I will also ask what layout they would find best, by showing a drawing of the layout I'm thinking of having and getting their feedback.
  • To get primary research for my gossip magazine I will create a survey online and publish it on my social networking sites, Twitter, Facebook etc. I want to include a interview on a gossip magazine because gossip mags are aimed at women, and as I want my TA to include men and women this will be a good way to widen the amount of women who will see my advertisements, and consequently, hopefully make the audience more even between gender. In my survey, I'll need to ask of their gender, age and whether they watch Horror films. I will then ask how they would like the female character to be portrayed and how much violence they'd like in a film, to check that "strong violence" (the amount of violence a 15 rated film, like mine would include) is a good amount.
  • Next I will do the recording for the shots outside in the woods, in low light. I have previously recorded some clips for this in the summer and it didn't look dark enough, so it will be better for me to record at this time of year at sunset, so it isn't too dark or light. This task is dependent on the weather, but I will get it done as soon as possible, This will be easy for me as I live very close to the woods, and so if I need further shots, can do so.
  • I want to record all scenes for my teaser trailer first, so next I will be filming the close ups of my zombie character. I have planned out my teaser in a lot of detail, and it's the part I'm most confident on which is why I feel comfortable filming these parts early. This will also be easy, as I'm not relying on anyone as it's just me in the clip, and I can record this at home as the background will just be dark and plain. \I've chosen photos, in a previous post, that I will base my look on and so I feel I've planned these shots enough, however I may need to record them more than once or just record further shots to make my teaser trailer longer etc. Again, as it's just me that is the actress, it's easy for me to do this and it can be done quickly.
  • On Wednesday the 12th, my teacher Ms Humpleby will be giving my class a tutorial on creating our own websites, which will help me create a film website homepage. I want to of filmed the above clips before this date, and plan to be creating my own website homepage post her tutorial, however I think this may take some time to do (2 weeks max?) as this is what I'm least confident and experienced in.
  • My magazine front cover will be the last product I will create, this is because I haven't planned this out enough as of yet and I'm unsure if a small article of under the line promotion will be enough, I think it may be, as the reason for choosing a gossip magazine is to widen the amount of females who find out about my zombie film, and hopefully will widen my TA demographic as I'm planning my film to be aimed at women and men, but men conventionally watch more Horrors and so I feel I need to concentrate my promotional ancillary product more at women. Also, as I'll be getting primary research online through a survey I'll create, it will be more time consuming to find the right number of participants/results, especially when compared to a focus group which is pretty much instant. Creating a magazine front cover, on Photoshop or however I think will be easy for me, as I've used both editing software/websites many times before and I'm comfortable using them, so I know I can create my first draft for my magazine front cover by the deadline.
  • Once I have created my first draft of my teaser trailer (at the latest in January) I will be showing it to my media class - as they are media literate and so can give me more constructive criticism, eg. on editing help or how my audience are being represented, than any other people. I would also like to show my teaser trailer to the AS media class, as they too will be more media literate, they also fit my TA, and as they don't know me it shouldn't cause the Hawthorne effect, which would be if one of the pupils just said they liked it to keep me pleased. Ideally I'd like to show both the A2 and AS media classes my teaser trailer through a focus group, however if I'm there this may also cause the Hawthorne effect and my classes may clash with the AS' group. However, by being in the focus group I can answer any questions they may have and ask more tailored, informal, unplanned questions to the audience. To stop these problems I've planned to ideally hold a focus group with my class - as they're media literate and understand I need helpful criticism I think they will be honest with me, as they are in the same shoes as me creating productions to, and understand the feedback needs to be correct. For the AS class I'll create a questionnaire or just get the teacher to ask for the opinions - my classes may clash with there's and so I may not be able to be in the same room as them. Also by holding a focus group they may just compliment my work to please me, when it isn't really their true thoughts, and finally a focus group may take took much time of their lesson, 10, 20 mins? This wouldn't be fair on them as they have their own work to be doing, and in comparison filling out a few questions or just giving a small opinion will be much quicker.
  • I'm not sure where else I will show my products to gain feed back, possibly online through social networking, as through this I can get a high number of comments etc. This doesn't really need to be planned yet, as this will be undergone in January and from now until then I'm sure I can plan this.